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Outbound as an IFYE

International Farm Youth Exchange (IFYE), was founded in 1948 after the second World War to re-build international relationships and understanding of other cultures. The program allows youth from the United States and other countries to travel and stay with host families to learn about each other’s way of life and culture by participating in daily life. IFYE has strong ties to the National 4 - H Foundation because it was funded by the National 4 - H Council in the 70s. This also formed strong ties to agriculture. In 1999 IFYE became independent from 4 - H and began funding the exchange program to support a yearly program of 2 month, 3 month, and 6 month exchanges. The IFYE vision of “Peace through Understanding” has continued to bring people together for more than 70 years. Upon a participants return to their home country, they are able to share their experience with others on a state and community level.


2022 IFYE participants, 17 outbounds from USA and 8 inbounds from Austria, Germany, South Korea, and Switzerland


Before IFYEs arrive to their host families, they take part in a 3-4 day orientation in Washington, DC. There they learn what to expect as an IFYE, travel tips and tricks, communication skills, cultural customs and traditions. This time also allows for the opportunity to prepare presentations, gifts, and brainstorming of how to document the experience. The best part of it all is that all the IFYEs get to meet each other, socialize, and discuss their anticipations about the trip together!


Inbound IFYE from Austria to USA and outbound IFYE from USA to Austria exploring the National Mall during orientation


To start this journey, an application is first completed by the inquiring participant, followed by an interview typically consisting of state board leaders and previous IFYEs. On the application the participant is able to preference host countries from the list of available countries for that given year. Once accepted the placement process starts. Interests, skills, and goals from the participant are best matched to available host families and countries with similarites while also allowing both to learn and grow from each other. Because of the 4 - H history, many participants come from farming backgrounds or were involved in 4 - H as young youth. Also many host families learn about the program through agriculture groups, therefore bringing the exchange of agriculture. Though this is not a requirement of the program; participants must only be between the ages of 19 - 26, and host families willing to open their home to a foreign guest. Due to the nature of traveling today, the host country or anticipated plans may change. And while the program directors manage all the details of the travels, these are often not shared with the participant until it is necessary to do so. This allows the IFYE to learn the aspect of flexibility and open mindedness with travel. Sometimes an IFYE truly goes into the unknown, and once you step foot into a new country, you begin a new way of life!


Aerial view of arriving in host country, Austria


The IFYE program organizes all international and domestic flights for the participants, and also assures that all travel from host family to host family is available. Host country directors are also very attentive about communicating with IFYEs and providing contact information. IFYEs experiences abroad are very individualized and same in many ways, making it so fun to share!

I will be documenting my experiences as I travel through my host country. I hope to share periodically what I get up to and how IFYE shapes me.


Here is a link to the IFYE website!

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